
Kajsa december 2013, 3,5 year old

Born 2010-07-21

e. NLCh Intuch FRCh LuxCh Armani Enzo v Moezel's Oever
u. NO UCH Joy of Queen Convivial

with photos of Mummy and Daddy

Patella and heart without remarks.

Mother of our "Home-litter"

Kajsa december 2013

december 2013

2011-11-27 Kajsa 1,5 year - thanks Bitten for lovely pics

Kajsa 2011-06-03

Kajsa 9 months old 2011-04-21

Kajsa 8 months old 2011-03-24

Kajsa 7 months old 2011-02-13

Kajsa 5 months

Kajsa 5 months

Kajsa 15 weeks

Kajsa 15 weeks

Kajsa - 10,5 weeks

Just arrived home...

The little sweatheart 6 weeks

5 weeks and too sweet for words

5 weeks

Sister Daisy, mummy Prima and Kajsa

All in the garden!

Not old at all...